
Utilities operating nuclear power plants agree that the correct functioning of all safety-related power operated valves is paramount. Regulatory (NRC Generic Letters 89-10/96-05 and 10CFR50.55a) and Code (ASME OM Code, Appendix III/IV) requirements drive the need for utilities to perform baseline and periodic diagnostic testing to ensure these safety-related power operated valves are capable of performing their required design functions.

For nearly two decades Teledyne LeCroy Test Services has been a pioneer in the development of measurement and analysis tools used to obtain accurate and reliable valve test data. These tools include patented sensors that are easy to install, thus reducing personnel exposure and test time. These sensors, coupled with the powerful QUIKLOOK 3.5-FS data acquisition hardware and software, make Teledyne's MOV, AOV, and CHK Valve Test Systems second to none.

Teledyne LeCroy Test Services also offers industry-unique MOV, AOV, and CHK Valve calculation engines and databases to automate design margin analysis, actuator setup and many other trending and analysis tasks required of the Nuclear Valve Engineer.

In addition to the above, TLTS offers engineering services to support utilities in implementation activities related to their power operated valve programs. Typical support activities provided by TLTS personnel include, but are not limited to, design basis calculations, overthrust evaluations, diagnostic trace anomaly reviews, self-assessment support, Appendix III / IV program gap analyses, and custom program / test reports.

视距 MOV的 CHK/SOL 产品
复选标记图标 复选标记图标 复选标记图标 快看3.5-FS 一个独立的“单箱”MOV/AOV 阀门测试系统,用于从上述任何传感器或任何其他应变计或基于电压的传感器捕获数据。
复选标记图标 复选标记图标 复选标记图标 QUIKLOOK vida (Valve & IST Data Acquisition) Compact, lower cost 8-channel data acquisition system configured for either MOV, AOV or Check / Solenoid Valve Testing.
复选标记图标 复选标记图标 复选标记图标 FSQL (FlowScannerQL) The FlowScannerQL is a powerful valve diagnostic tool that helps you evaluate the performance of all makes and models of control valves— accurately and efficiently.
复选标记图标 复选标记图标   QL-SENTRY 专用、永久安装的 MOV / AOV 监控系统
复选标记图标 复选标记图标 复选标记图标 QUIKLOOK FS Pro MOV / AOV 阀门测试软件用于获取、呈现和分析来自我们的 QSS 和 SMARTSTEM 传感器或任何其他应变计或基于电压的传感器的数据。
  复选标记图标   弹簧包校准软件 阀门测试软件用于生成校准证书,并绘制通用数据和校准数据以及灵敏度方程。
  复选标记图标   MOV 设计和测试数据库软件(MIDAS 和 MIDASTEST) MOV design and test databases and calculation engine that automates valve design margin analysis, actuator setup criteria and required test intervals utilizing various ComEd, EPRI, JOG and BWROG methodologies. Includes powerful "what if" margin analysis tool.
复选标记图标     AOV Design & Test Database Software (ACE, ACEDP, and ACETEST) AOV design and test databases and calculation engine designed to create AOV setup windows, create an AOV Data Record form for use in valve testing and perform a post-test evaluation of the test results. This program will ensure that the methods used by personnel to perform and document these calculations are consistent.
复选标记图标 复选标记图标   快杆传感器 (QSS) A patented prefabricated strain sensor that is applied to a valve stem or shaft to obtain a direct measurement of stem thrust and torque without disassembly of the valve.
复选标记图标 复选标记图标   智能干 Teledyne 已获得专利,将应变计安装在阀杆或阀轴上,以获得阀杆推力和扭矩的校准和温度补偿测量结果。
  复选标记图标   QL-SENTRY 电流互感器组件 QL-SENTRY 电流互感器 (CT) 组件是用于 MOV 在线监测和诊断测试的多通道电流传感器解决方案。
  复选标记图标   弹簧组测量设备编码器版本 (SPMDe) 线性位置传感器(编码器版本)用于测量弹簧组位移,以间接指示阀杆扭矩和推力。
  复选标记图标   电机电压衰减器 (MVA) 用于测量三相交流感应电机上的电机相间电压
  复选标记图标   交流电流探头 用于测量 MOV 上的交流电流。
  复选标记图标   交/直流电流探头 用于测量 MOV 上的交流和直流电流。
复选标记图标 复选标记图标   压力传感器 These ruggedized highly accurate sensors are used to capture test pressures such as diaphragm, line and supply pressure as well as I/P output pressure.
复选标记图标 复选标记图标   Digital Stem Position Encoder (SPe and SPe-HR) 测量 MOV 和 AOV 应用中的轴向杆或旋转轴行程。
  复选标记图标   转子接触指示器 (RCI) 提供指示执行器转子组件上触点位置(打开或关闭)的信号
复选标记图标 复选标记图标 复选标记图标 Ultrasonic Test System (UTS) The UT System is a handheld device which provides reliable insight into the functionality of a check valve. The device output, screen capture, and accelerometer data provide detailed check valve reports in QUIKLOOK-FS Pro
复选标记图标 复选标记图标 复选标记图标 Digital Radiography System (DRS) The DRS X-Ray system utilizes a portable X-Ray tubehead, detector, and imaging control software to provide a clear image of the valves internals.
  复选标记图标   限位开关调整工具 (LSAT) 限位开关调整工具 (LSAT) 旨在帮助安全调整限位开关组件。 该工具可减少短路和损坏“L”支架间隙的风险。
  复选标记图标   I/P 增压器组件 I/P 增压器组件允许用户使用标准外部 I/P 控制具有大执行器区域的阀门,从而实现一致的斜坡时间和曲线。
  复选标记图标   弹簧组校准台 (SPCS) 当连接到任何 Teledyne QUIKLOOK 系统时,新型 TTS 弹簧组校准台 (SPCS) 包括校准 Limitorque 弹簧组所需的一切。
  复选标记图标   阀杆角度测量装置 (SAMD) 一种在 MOV 诊断测试期间测量阀杆角运动的装置。
  复选标记图标   螺纹去除工具 用于现场去除阀杆螺纹,以便将我们的 QSS 安装在光滑的阀杆区域上,从而直接、准确地测量阀杆扭矩和推力。
  复选标记图标   扭矩开关旋转编码器 (TSRE) 和 HBC 阀杆位置编码器 (HBC-SPE) 组合套件 扭矩开关旋转编码器 (TSRE) 安装在 SMB/SB 执行器上的扭矩开关上,可在无法接触弹簧组时测量弹簧组位移。
HBC 阀杆位置编码器 (HBC-SPE) 安装在 HBC 驱动套筒的顶部,并提供可重复的机械连接来测量位置。
  复选标记图标 复选标记图标 AOV Bracket Kits The AOV Bracket Kits are used
to securely attach the travel transducer in order to
accurately measure valve travel for a diagnostic test.
复选标记图标 复选标记图标 复选标记图标 QL3.5CAL / CALFSQL QL3.5CAL / CALFSQL is a software application developed by Teledyne LeCroy Test Services (TLTS) for the calibration of QUIKLOOK 3.5-FS (QL3.5-FS) and FSQL valve diagnostic systems.
复选标记图标 复选标记图标 复选标记图标 TravelCAL TravelCAL is a combination hardware / software system used to automate the testing and calibration of displacement sensors. Initially designed for testing linear sensors, both digital and analog type. The addition of an optional Rotary fixture allows for the testing of Rotary Encoder sensors.
复选标记图标 复选标记图标 复选标记图标 QL TEDS Editor QL TEDS Editor is a program developed by Teledyne LeCroy Test Services (TLTS) to read/write data to Transducer Electronic Datasheet (TEDS) chips for automatic channel configuration on QL3, QL3.5, QL-SENTRY, QL-vida, and FSQL data acquisition systems.